We want to start Spring 2019 with new features and updates, so we have released a new version of PassivLink that incorporates new tools to the add-in.
With this new version of PassivLink you will now be able to both add or subtract areas using the Pick Faces tool. This will allow users to properly export roof overhangs to the PHPP.

The new version of PassivLink will automatically adapt the exportation to the correct deviation from north in the Southern Hemisphere, which used to be a headache to designers in this half of the world.

PassivLink 1.1 has made some changes making a more robust software and permitting more flexibility in the way you model your projects.
PassivLink is an ongoing project, and we will keep improving it with your feedback and support. Next step will be incorporating shadow calculation, building assemblies and curtain walls.
We also wanted to announce that it will be possible to subscribe to PassivLink both monthly and yearly, for 29$/month or 260$/year, and for the next two months, for early yearly subscribers, 160$/year.